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Good Bye NG Tube and Neighbor Dan!

Last night was a very difficult night for Doug. The only time he rested was when the nurse would give him pain medicine which is every 4 hours so we were up the bulk of the night. There was even a two hour time span where he felt like he could not breathe as he was literally gasping for air. There is good news in all of this! The doctor came in early yesterday evening and said that per the CT results Doug has what's called an Illeus, which is the best case scenario. I'll spare you the details but basically his intestines are still sleeping soundly! Well it's time they need to WAKE UP!!!!!! He was given two treatments yesterday that did not work. This morning they gave him additional medicine through the NG tube and he will have two additional treatments. I am praying that something will work! After his morning medicines were given the doctors agreed that the NG tube could come out so Doug was very thankful for that because it was so uncomfortable for him. We even took a little walk this morning, the longest one he has taken thus far so that is progress. I pray for a restful day for Doug and that we see some improvements very soon. He is really worried (and so am I). The kidney is still doing amazing with a stable creatinine of .9!!! I told Dan while visiting last night that he gave Doug one awesome's kicking some butt! Some transplant patients have it so easy and we were hoping that would be true for Doug and it seemed to be the case until we hit this snag. Please continue to keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Dan will be officially busting out of hospital today!!! We will miss our neighbor and his wife Allison but I am thankful that he's doing well enough to continue his recovery outside of the hospital. I'm sure his kids will be so excited to see him and I have a feeling he will rest better once he is out of here. Once again Dan from the bottom our my heart...thank you!!! Doug's mom has arrived so I plan on going home for a much needed shower and to see the kiddos. I an gratful that the kids teachers have kept me updated about them. Yesterday I received word that Tanner was very emotional at school and I know they are questioning how their dad is doing. They have been jostled from one friends house to another over the past few days when I know all they want is for all of us to be home. The kids asked to FaceTime last night but Doug did not want them to see him with the NG tube so in the world of technology...darn the luck, FaceTime just wasn't working. ;) Thanks for reading and I will update on Doug and Dan's progress as I can. Sent from my iPhone

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